1. Are you male or female?
This question revealed that more females took part in our survey than males, below is a pie chart to show the results:
2. How old are you?
We started the age groups at 16 because are target audience is 16 upwards, we had mostly 16-25 year olds answering followed by some 25-40 year olds and there were fewest 40+ year olds. The graph below shows the results:
3. Do you eat takeaway?
Our survey showed that everybody asked ate takeaway food, we can use these results in our documentary to show that so many people in Britain eat takeaway food.
4. If yes, how often do you eat takeaway?
Everybody answered this question due to the fact that everybody that was surveyed ate takeaway. These results are quite surprising because There were a number of people who ate takeaway everyday. Most people ate take away once a week and very few people rarely ate take away. Below is a chart of my results.
5. What are your three favorite types of takeaway in order of preference?
In this question we wanted to find out which types of takeaway people liked the most. The most popular answer was Pizza, closely followed by chinese and indian. We can use these results in our documentary because stereotypically British people eat fish and chips from a chip shop, so some people may find these results quite shocking. Below is a chart of the results
6. What do you like about takeaway?
This was an open question but we found that a lot of people put similar answers so we collected the data and put it into a chart. Most people liked takeaway because of the taste, and the next two most popular answers were that it is easy and that it is convenient.
7. What don't you like about takeaway?
Similarly to question six, people put similar answers so we could collect the data and present it in a chart. The main dislike of takeaway is that it is greasy and unhealthy, but very few people had other things that they did not like about takeaway, the graph below shows our results.
8. Approximately how many takeaways are within walking distance of your home?
The results of this question showed that many people live near a lot of places to get takeaway food. A surprising result is that 7 people had more than ten takeaways within walking distance of their house. Below is a graph of the results.
9. How many people in your household eat takeaway?
In this question we wanted to know how many people within each persons household ate take away. The variables of this question, of course, would be that we do not know how many people live in each household but we can get an idea of the amount of people that eat takeaway within 30 different families. We found out that there was a total of 116 people who ate takeaways within 30 families. The breakdown of this amount is shown in the chart below.
10. On average how much do you spend on a takeaway?
In this question we gave four options with tick boxes. These options were: £0-£5, £5-£10, £10-£20, £20+. There were few people who spent more than £20 on a takeaway and the majority of people spent either £0-£5 or £5-£10.
11. Why do you buy takeaway?
Again, this was an open question but many people answered with the same answers so we collected the results and put them into a chart. The most popular answer was that it is tasty, but some other popular answers were that t saves cooking and it is quick and easy. The results are shown below.
12. What time of day do you buy takeaway?
This question showed that most people buy takeaway in the evening presumably for dinner. Few people ate takeaway in the mornings, this could be for breakfast, for example McDonalds, and some people got takeaway food at other times, maybe late in the night or for a snack. The results are shown below:
13. What day of the week are you more likely to buy takeaway?
In this question we wanted to know which was the main day that people would buy takeaway. Our results showed that the Friday and Saturday were popular days to buy takeaway and takeaways were not as popular in the mid week. Our results are shown below:
14. What comes to mind when you think about takeaway?
In this question we though that peoples ideas on takeaway would help us to think of topics and content for our documentary. Here is what people said:
- Family
- Tasty
- Fat
- Fast
- Grease
- No washing up
- Poppadoms
- Easy
- Food
- Chips
- 'mmmmm'
- Chinese
- Chicken
Overall I think our questionnaire helped us greatly with statistics that we can use in our documentary and also what our target audience would enjoy watching about in the documentary.
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